
Showing posts from April, 2023

The Beggar Prince :)

THE BOOK THAT GAVE ME THE TITLE: RARE LIKE ''A GAY SPACE DINOSAUR ASTRONAUT'' SOME TIME IN TIME. -Because I was willing to read it. I FELL IN LOVE WITH IT'S MESSAGE, BECAUSE IT HELD MUCH TRUTH FOR ME WHEN I READ IT.   Anywhat...    THE BEGGAR PRINCE: We look down upon the beggars of the Empire. These lost souls are the poor and wretched of the land. Every city has its beggars. Most are so poor they have only the clothes on their backs. They eat the scraps the rest of us throw out. We toss them a coin so that we don't have to think too long about their plight. Imagine my surprise when I heard the tale of the Beggar Prince. I could not imagine what a Prince of Beggars would be. Here is the tale I heard. It takes place in the first age, when the gods walked like men and daedra stalking the wilderness with impunity. It is a time before they were all confined to Oblivion. There once was a man named Wheedle. Or maybe it was a woman. The story goes to great lengths to

This one will be short :)

  She likes to lean on the table and turn her head when She paints Her paintings and draws Her sketches. - I met the hottest intellectual on the planet the other day. We spoke near to nothing yet it was like we knew everything about each other in a moments instant. When she left she almost dropped her Lap top on the ground, luckily the table was in the way of the ground. I couldn't help myself and started to politely laugh. She said sorry and blushed. It was cool. I continued to try and write one of my books. I didn't catch Her name but it will remain a good memory (we did not have sex if that is what you are implying) -Snow Leaf Panther.