
Showing posts from July, 2023

Yeshua Parable

 To me The Jesus Story specifically the part where they speak of his Crucifixion.  Seems to ONLY CONVEY that even to this day certain people can BE REALLY CRUEL... And that the extent of Ignorance within society implies and defines the Cruelties of it's ATROCITIES and the extent to which the HELL'S of sOCIETIES... GO. As the Lord  passes them by, The people watch the Lord and Embodiment of LOVE Carrying A CROSS AND BEING WHIPPED TO DEATH..... AND SEE NOTHING. THAT PEOPLE CAN BE SO ARROGANT THAT THEY WILL SEE THE LORD DIE IN FRONT OF THEM AND NOT HELP HIM... The Definition of HELL becoming clear that it is a Cry for helP until the Help just turns in to A HELL BECAUSE THE ''P ''IS NO LONGER UTERABLE... And you Just Vanish into Oblivion. THAT SOME WOULD TO THIS DAY DO THE SAME: And then utter the words... : I aM Too decent of a Person... Some would even Nail the Lord in new ''Comical'' / ABSOLUTELY CRUEL WAYS* just as they did to saint Peter who was