It's a kind of a funny story.

Today's funny story.

Fake societal empathy within the ''animal of society''.

It's kind of a funny story.

I realized today that our society is a self regulating animal that wishes and works only to ''prolong its own unholy existence.'' -Joke to the sides of a rather amusing Dracula: dead and loving it Leslie Nielsen movie I so adore. 

Based upon moral and ethics it is absolutely false within its claims of protecting those under ''its wings''

I realized this today as:

I posted online a fake suicide hospitalisation out of curiosity as to what would happen?

I wrote a made up ''story'' on my social media page that I was hospitalized after an unsuccessful suicide attempt. That I am ok and a few stories as to why I was so enraged that I was actually on the brink of doing it even though I cannot muster up the idiocy to do it. Because I waited all my life to get here.
I worked so many odd jobs to get my own company started to have my own studio... all the praise from myself to myself as to how much I sacrificed and worked my ''butt'' off -Pardon my expression.

It was a social experiment out of curiosity as to how all the people who neglected my social needs for coffee just to spend their time with others and leading to the same excuse that they are ''too busy'' and they don't have time for me. Whilst I meet them at bars with others and/or see their posts on social media that they were out on several occasions where there would have been no problem tagging me along.

I felt a very distinguished sense of hypocritical betrayal.

After not having time for me after I needed food or just a coffee -''some company''.

Me being emotionally stuck in that debacle for months I decided out desperate curiosity to post a story coinciding with just that. 

That ''I had tried to take my life''...

Because after doing all the aspiration to stay alive in this high brow low intellect society where there are more rules than logical reasons for anything. 

People not having time to get me food or help me do anything because I started to say NO to people who tried to water down my spirit with their cognitive dissonance.

And after saying the words ''suicide'' -on the web! woe as me...

People came from all corners of the world to haunt me with their ''sympathy'' they called the cops in between all this and as I awoke from my afternoon nap as my schedule is very lenient on me due to my self employed status.

I opened my door and two police officers ran in to me and I asked them what it is the want and they asked me as to what my name was so I replied.

They said they wanted to talk with me so we went outside and said they were worried about so they said as too the posts.

And I asked who sent them they said your mother... I said how did she know and if they read the posts they said no... Which made me raise my brow and start question THEM!

They had not read the posts, they did not know where or why it was written... so I explained, -that it was a social experiment as it was.. and they didn't understand me so I explained.

That I gave birth to a son I was at the delivery right after my corona infection which came straight after an acute operation I had... right after a job exhaustion caused 1 month burn out....and several other events which I dared not mention. That maybe they should write a book or movie about me instead off drugging me to the mental hospital which would so sooth their demands, needs or should I say their compliance with removing a person from the streets that would discriminate against their ''system'' of belief??

A simple way of disregarding their problems by just brushing them under the carpet.... 



We started talking about my scientific book on the zodiac that logically explains all the aspects of the nature of its symbolism.

Later the doctors came worried about my mental health thinking I was just a nut. I logically and calmly stood my ground and explained to them as well as to what had transpired so they had no other choice but to conclude that I was ok and rather mentally sharp than anything else. As I gained their understanding of my situation.


Society will not help when you ask for help/food/money/sympathy/understanding unless you're already dead or dying on the hospice bed.

Meaning that all the moral and ethics of today's world is based on the self regulation of it's political and/or societal predominant structures of belief.

When all the problem's in this world were easier if we just said no.

No -the lenient laidback one like the dude who didn't finalize the cold war when he had the command to push the button but didn't... out of compassion not treason or anger.

All we have to say is NO, but Calmly....


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