Relationships and their influence on the personal emotional spectrum of men via personal exploration and observation.

Relationships and their influence on the personal emotional spectrum of men via personal exploration and observation. 

Since recent I have seen through my personal experiences,  the fact that societal norms have deviated greatly from all reason when, well at least this time.. it comes to relationships between men and women to say the least.

Specifically dating.

From the perspective of a single male in his 30's.

Pretend or rather imagine you are a guy or a man in his early thirties...

You go out single, free from a very bad or even harmful relationship and suddenly find yourself at a lack of all companionship, all friends and basically have done all there is you can possibly do to try and get someone to sit with you and just enjoy your company on regular basis or a coffee more often.

So you end up gathering the courage to approach women and lo and behold everything you do goes amiss and all efforts start flailing to the ground.

1. Approaching women: how?

Because today as men we are completely shunned for absolutely all manor of effort when it comes to approaching and getting to know them.

Do you ask a stranger to go out for coffee?
Do you ask a person to go out with you again after years of ''abandonment'' ?
Do you get an app?
What does a man do?

Or should I say what CAN a man do?

You are in a bar or event and nobody knows you.

You notice there is a girl you like and you have the emotional clarity and confidence to politely say ''Hey do you want to sit with me for a coffee?''

Supposedly one does, which is rarely the case... It in even rare cases ends well. You don't have any guarantee you will even meet them again. So after a good conversation you ask them for her number or a ''Facebook'' account some way you could stay in touch because, obviously you like them. You ask and the result is usually the same... the words ''Sorry, I don't really know you''.

And they end up going home to browse ''Tinder'' apps themselves and then back to the same bar  apparently looking for someone.

They may or may not know who it is they are speaking with or have spoken to. That is true it might be  a literal creep or it might just be the creep from that radio head song who would have the guts to do anything and everything for them because their biggest flaw is being absolutely devoted to their partners and their needs as long as they feel appreciated. It absolutely amazes me how women see a gentle emotional man as being weak and do not understand the difference between bravery and honesty, lies and vulnerability.

Because a man very much needs to be rough around the edges and even dominant in that manor more often than no. -Even in good relationships.

Because a woman will see a man as weak and unsuitable for mating if he is ''too'' sensitive.
She will chew him up and spit him out, as he cannot say no to her.

In my opinion that is  astounding because I have now on many occasions seen pregnant women, mothers and elderly women strolling and utter the same sentence or opinion. 

-He was a real man, he CALMED his wife and the baby at the same time with his understanding of their needs.


what I am generally trying to convey here is that if a man has the honesty and guts to at a bar say I like you and offers you HIS number and demands nothing else in return I think you should reconsider your opinion of his perceived weakness.

He has just executed the act of showing you the traits of:

-Caring for you
-He does not care what society thinks about the gridlines of dating are.
-And that He is independent thinker.

Because as humans we are social creatures and it is more than adequate to see a man who is able to proudly display all of these traits in one sentence of his movement through the room and the sheer intelligence and emotional spectrum perceivability he possesses.

Today men can sit in a lounge for months and not be noticed for being men, even appearing desperate.

But a woman can dress herself up and go man hunting....

A man should* _____ but a woman can* ______.

It is where society tipped over and became very unstable in regards to male to female relationships, when a man can not state ''I like you'' without being subject to suspicion -instead of being regarded as ''normal''.

As I completely -more than just respect- women, I think that as men we have been completely pushed to the sides as to what a man can or should be and what is acceptable behaviour due to his gender and its related ''assigned roles'' within society.

That is one of the reasons most men in our society have problems opening up to women or their partners and friends because they feel or even sometimes know they will be shamed for their emotions.

Or at least that is my impression.

-Snow Leaf Panther, from personal observations.


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