Being angry is ok... As long as you can calm down


Holding a grudge and an offence'': Then you are only stigmatising and holding down every debatable option for a discussion as a prohibition to speak...

Unless you are Simon Cowell or the ''Unable to Vote Sandwich Guy'' -Gordon Ramsey <3

Again I am just commenting this is not a dictatorship-esque monologue I am producing here.

Grudge = unstable relationships = immature = cognitively disonant behaviour :)

Cognitive Dissonance = I know Me and My Friend Are Equally Smart, But If He thinks, He is Smarter than me then I already Know I am Wiser...

Thus the Commentary is Mine yet sadly He is in an argument........

As a commentary to this post:

Transcribed via Copy and Paste posting of my own post and doing....

An Epic Writting coinciding with my reply to this comment:

M. D. :  Anyone needing to gender identify is a disgusting barely human being who will no doubt be a failure in life.



To politely translate What Marc Is ''Simon Cowelling'' Here.... :
No transgression here in my eyes though...
There are only two reproduction organs. Right?

Ergo. There are two Sexes =

Everything Else is you guessed it .. IDENTITY.

Thus it does not coincide with sound ground.... Screaming at everybody I am being Unjustfuly treated because I'm misunderstood is perhaps a Guaranteed Bad way to go in and/ or at life.

Because if we start calling tables - cars and chairs - spoons , Which is your liberty .... to do so. -But it's a fast train to crazy town. ...-so to speak at least :)

Words have a certain meaning thus very hard misuse of the base understandings and basis corelating human interactions is nonsensible in my comment here...

-It is the difference between seeking Misunderstanding and causing pain and SEEKING YOU GUESSED IT <3 LOVE <3 AND UNDERSTANDING....

I think it's better if we focus on whether my neighbours plate is full when we look onto him not if he or she has more than us...

-Snow Leaf Panther.


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