It took me 5 month's to figure out what I wrote here in ''5 minutes''.

Creative writing helps.

The brick in the wall,

says nothing it all

it belongs to them all

no thoughts but to fall

fall into place

no pride or disgrace.


So here's my take on the whole racial terms and bad words.

Since the eightfold path is more of a silver lining... for instance the use of right words.

The Bodhisatva (an enlightened being that comes back from enlightenment to lead others with example end without attachments) returns except they are not afraid to fear or love :)

And to conclude the cycle of the Bodhisatva they say you return from selfish enlightenment to realize we are all just that Bodhisatva the enlightened being.

The right language. Do not all words derive meaning from the meaning given to them? Like saying a bad word can be a good.

And a good one bad.

So a racial term can be a disgrace or an embrace to their culture like say ''you're Asian'' or saying ''wow you're Asian!''.

It's a bit annoying if you don't like hearing it and can insist if it bothers you and is directed at you for them to stop. I just really don't know why it's a hate crime if you say it without bad intentions or even without directing at a person.

So basically today I may have considered that in really you don't say the right thing wrong. You only say it to the wrong person....

So maybe we should really just align to the right people although that is a constant conundrum of mine because that would mean that we should always be right next to the person we deserve or... alone because that is exactly what is the case that since you are unique you cannot find yourself again,...

Because there isn't another exact copy of you. And maybe we should just drop our standards thus my¸ problem was attachment I did the most idiot thing. 

I had no attachments just a thousand demands and very high standards. I was manifesting my own darkness my own loneliness because I was looking to confront it so... there it was. Night and day. Lingering on my shadow dimming my light and sapping my happyness. 

Smoothing water with a hot iron -''Wu Wei '' has nothing or shall we say little to do with it.

Far more the things I have written here.

Shrouded over my head like a dark hood from the angel of grief and the angel of despair.

The only thing I would have needed was a hug but no one would save me. My words scared them because I was to deep within the chasm of loneliness.

They were to deep within the realms of denying me the simple pleasure because of their envy of my own successes. It truly was an age of ignorance or should I rephrase that... Envy.

While all I was ever doing was going after things I liked and they were all prohibited out of one simple thing/rule: -No free thought was ever allowed within the society around me... Not directed at me because apparently we all suffered from it.

So all my life people suffered by my mere sight because they saw my greatness them just being to chicken shit to do anything themselves and taking away my own light because they knew that was easier than them too push themselves to move forward. 

And the best advice was always... Onward. The best people give you this advice:

om ma nee pad me hum - keep going - don't give up - don't stop growing - keep on - one more day - just do it - ....

Because if you work hard enough you will get there one day and that's how it is.

It's a sad truth but that is the reality of things many many times more often than not.

So keep going and my best advice to the whole of all the sentences would be ''Smile''.

The world is a mirror. A lake and if you scream at a lake the ripples you see in it shaking is you.

loneliness still hurt's though

-Snow Leaf Panther.


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