
Showing posts from March, 2023

It took me 5 month's to figure out what I wrote here in ''5 minutes''.

Creative writing helps. The brick in the wall, says nothing it all it belongs to them all no thoughts but to fall fall into place no pride or disgrace. _______________________________________________________ So here's my take on the whole racial terms and bad words. Since the eightfold path is more of a silver lining... for instance the use of right words. The Bodhisatva (an enlightened being that comes back from enlightenment to lead others with example end without attachments) returns except they are not afraid to fear or love :) And to conclude the cycle of the Bodhisatva they say you return from selfish enlightenment to realize we are all just that Bodhisatva the enlightened being. The right language. Do not all words derive meaning from the meaning given to them? Like saying a bad word can be a good. And a good one bad. So a racial term can be a disgrace or an embrace to their culture like say ''you're Asian'' or saying ''wow you're Asian!'&

It's a kind of a funny story.

Today's funny story. Fake societal empathy within the ''animal of society''. It's kind of a funny story. I realized today that our society is a self regulating animal that wishes and works only to ''prolong its own unholy existence.'' -Joke to the sides of a rather amusing Dracula: dead and loving it Leslie Nielsen movie I so adore.  Based upon moral and ethics it is absolutely false within its claims of protecting those under ''its wings'' I realized this today as: I posted online a fake suicide hospitalisation out of curiosity as to what would happen? I wrote a made up ''story'' on my social media page that I was hospitalized after an unsuccessful suicide attempt. That I am ok and a few stories as to why I was so enraged that I was actually on the brink of doing it even though I cannot muster up the idiocy to do it. Because I waited all my life to get here. I worked so many odd jobs to get my own company started

Relationships and their influence on the personal emotional spectrum of men via personal exploration and observation.

Relationships and their influence on the personal emotional spectrum of men via personal exploration and observation.  Since recent I have seen through my personal experiences,  the fact that societal norms have deviated greatly from all reason when, well at least this time.. it comes to relationships between men and women to say the least. Specifically dating. From the perspective of a single male in his 30's. Pretend or rather imagine you are a guy or a man in his early thirties... You go out single, free from a very bad or even harmful relationship and suddenly find yourself at a lack of all companionship, all friends and basically have done all there is you can possibly do to try and get someone to sit with you and just enjoy your company on regular basis or a coffee more often. So you end up gathering the courage to approach women and lo and behold everything you do goes amiss and all efforts start flailing to the ground. 1. Approaching women: how? Because today as men we are